Meet Syrian pharmacist Lilian Aoudi, murdered by apartheid Israel last night in Damascuspaon_adm2023-02-21T09:38:54+00:00February 21, 2023|
Try reading this from the United Nations Apartheid Convention (1973) and tell me Israel doesn’t tick every box.paon_adm2023-02-21T09:30:12+00:00February 21, 2023|
Video: In Addis Ababa, the delegation of the oppressive and child-killing Zionist regime and the apartheid regime of Israel was expelled from the African Union meeting.paon_adm2023-02-19T09:30:23+00:00February 19, 2023|
مسؤولون اسرائيليون كبار يقرون ان اسرائيل دولة فصل عنصريpaon_adm2023-02-19T09:26:06+00:00February 19, 2023|
Video: Palestinian children living everyday under the Aparatheid of Israel.paon_adm2023-02-19T09:21:04+00:00February 19, 2023|